
At what stage of work are we currently?

We talk about what has been achieved in the project with Dariusz Choromański - an expert and substantive coordinator of the remediation project conducted by RDOŚ in Bydgoszcz.

D. Choromański: We are currently implementing the so-called proper remediation phase. This proper remediation proceeds in accordance with the schedule adopted in the implementation agreement. This phase provided for remediation work to be carried out over a period of 18 months.

This proper remediation has been carried out since September. We are more or less in 1/3 of the time provided for environmental cleaning in the indicated area. According to the reports we receive every month from the contractor, works related to water treatment are carried out with a capacity of about 80 m3/h, which gives monthly from 60,000 m3 of treated water, which then goes to the aquifer. Since the beginning of the proper remediation process, 450,000 m3 of water have already been pumped, cleaned and then introduced into the aquifer. I would like to point out that 1 m3 of water equals 1,000 liters, so we are already moving in quite significant amounts here, it is already 450,000,000 liters of pumped and purified water that went to the ground, to the aquifer, in this area.

Regardless of the conducted remediation, water purification and injection into the aquifer, water monitoring is carried out in the remediated area, as well as in the immediate vicinity. This monitoring involves 16 piezometers equipped with sensors that constantly read the basic physicochemical parameters of water: temperature, electrolytic conductivity, pH, and the level of the water table.

What work remains to be done?

D. Choromański: There are still two important tasks to be completed, which will complete the entire remediation process, namely verification of the quality of the soil and water environment during the purification processes, and here we have a selected contractor who, after signing the contract in early February, has already started first field work, preparing observation holes, piezometers, wells for water sampling. Field work is also beginning, related to the collection of soil samples for testing. This task will be a cyclical task consisting of 3 research series. In this way, we will track changes in the quality of the environment during remediation and thus obtain information on how these remediation works change our environment, improve the condition and quality of both land and water.

When can we expect the first results?
D. Choromański: The first test results will appear in early June, they will be laboratory tests. However, these results will have to be assessed, analyzed and commented on by preparing an appropriate report. And here comes the second task, which I did not mention earlier. This is a task that will consist in a detailed assessment and analysis of the results obtained during the remediation works, i.e. the results that are now read on an ongoing basis, during the monitoring in piezometers, as well as the test results that we will obtain both in the former and and subsequent research series. Documents are currently being prepared to announce the tender procedure and select a contractor. These works will also be carried out and the analysis of the results to be carried out by the future contractor will allow us to both assess the behavior of pollutants and the entire aquifer during remediation, as well as assess the load of pollutants that has been removed from the aquifer and also try to assess and forecast possible changes for the future. As I mentioned, the results of laboratory tests will appear in early June, but the contractor of the work related to the analysis and evaluation of these results will have about 50 days to process and evaluate them. Therefore, the report from the first series of studies, enriched with information assessing the state of the environment, will probably appear in mid-July this year.
European Fundsthe Republic of PolandCohesion Fund
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