

In September 1939, Dynamit - Aktien Gesellschaft Fabrik Bromberg was established on the outskirts of Bydgoszcz. Production included explosives: smokeless powder, nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, TNT and dinitrobenzene. The plant was owned by the global company Dynamit - Aktien Gesellschaft vormals Alfred Nobel & Co.

The basic products of the DAG Factory in one of the zones called Bauleitung I (otherwise from German "Kaltwasser") were nitrocellulose (C6H7O11N3), smokeless powder and nitroglycerin (C3H5N3O9). In the next zone, called Bauleitung II (otherwise from German "Brahnau"), TNT (C7H5N3O6), dinitrobenzene (C6H4(NO2)2), V1 missiles, as well as aerial bombs, artillery shells and powder charges were produced. The V1 missiles were called "Hitler's secret weapon". Other names used for these missiles include the German Vergeltungswaffe-1 and Retaliation Weapon No. 1. It was the German Fieseler Fi 103 unmanned cruise missile (flying vessel register: Frakzielgerat FZG-76), called the "flying bomb", code-named "Kirschkern" i.e. cherry pit.

The mass production of gunpowder was started by the director of the plant, Adolf Kämpf, in July 1942, gradually increasing over time. In 1944, a total of 13.7 thousand were produced. tons of material. The production of nitrocellulose was started only in 1943, and that of TNT in January 1945, later the production of nitroglycerin was also started.

The mass production of gunpowder was started by the director of the plant, Adolf Kämpf, in July 1942, gradually increasing over time. In 1944, a total of 13.7 thousand were produced. tons of material. The production of nitrocellulose was started only in 1943, and that of TNT in January 1945, later the production of nitroglycerin was also started.

European Fundsthe Republic of PolandCohesion Fund
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