
Objectives and expected effect of the project

We talk about the achievement of the project's goal and the expected ecological effect with Sylwia Janiszewska - Head of the Remediation Department of REMEA sp z.o.o.

What work is currently underway?

After the stage of designing an innovative installation and the construction and compilation of technological modules, which are prepared in such a way as to take into account the content of the purified substances in terms of type and concentration, we additionally adapt technological needs to the current conditions in the environment on an ongoing basis.

How much water is pumped through the installations?

The project involves clearing an area of ​​approx. 26.9 hectares. The installation will pump up to 100 m3 of water per hour. The device is to operate until March 2023, we will monitor the state of pollution on an ongoing basis using piezometers.

How is pollution level reduced?

Groundwater from the remediation area is pumped and subjected to purification processes in an installation built of innovative modules. Such a technological sequence of properly occurring processes will contribute to the purification of water with a chemical charge.

Will the ecological effect be achieved?

The research and development phase confirmed that thanks to the appropriate technology, the ecological effect will be achieved over the next several months. The innovative installation has been designed so that the purification processes carried out in it bring the water in the rock mass to the standards adopted for the 3rd class of water quality according to the Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation of October 11, 2019.

Will the installation contribute to achieving the goal?

The stage of pilot tests and commissioning of the installation confirmed that the designed innovative installation, which is composed of many modules, where an important stage is the ozonation process, in which impurities are oxidized, causing water purification, will contribute to achieving the ecological effect that we are to achieve in 2023.

European Fundsthe Republic of PolandCohesion Fund
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