
Groundwater research has begun.

On January 28, 2020, the second stage of environmental studies for the initial state began under the Project entitled "Remediation of polluted areas in the area of ​​the former ZCH "Zachem" in Bydgoszcz in order to eliminate health and environmental hazards, including the Natura 2000 area of ​​the Lower Vistula Valley and the Baltic Sea.

As part of this stage of the task, an accredited laboratory, under the supervision of the Contractor - SEGI-AT Sp. z o.o., will collect groundwater samples from 43 research wells, including 7 wells (pumping and injection) and 16 observation piezometers drilled as part of a separate task, as well as 20 archival wells. Then, these samples will be analyzed for the content of substances characteristic of the production profile of the former Zakłady Chemiczne "ZACHEM" S.A. Fieldwork will last no longer than February 20, and the results of the research will be submitted by the end of March 2020.

European Fundsthe Republic of PolandCohesion Fund
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