
Remediation of polluted areas on the example of activities carried out in the area of ​​the former Zachem Chemical Plant

On September 22, 2021, the expert conference "Remediation of contaminated areas on the example of activities carried out in the area of ​​the former Zachem Chemical Plant" was held.

In the first session, the issue of land surface pollution in formal and legal terms was discussed. Employees of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection also explained the individual steps of the project, emphasizing the innovative nature of the proceedings, with particular emphasis on the public procurement procedure, ie innovation partnership, which is practically not used in Poland. In the next part of the meeting, a presentation on the identification of pollutants was presented, followed by the first discussion panel. In addition to the speakers, the discussions involved representatives of the local government and universities, including from the Krakow AGH and the recently transformed from ATR Bydgoszcz University of Technology.

The second session began with a risk analysis in the process of remediation of polluted areas and a presentation on monitoring as a tool for assessing ecological risk and the course of remediation activities. In this part of the conference, representatives of the companies involved in the remediation project presented the details of the preparatory phase before the actual remediation as well as the activities supervising the proper course of obtaining the ecological effect. Next, the issue of selected methods and technologies for the remediation of the soil and water environment was addressed on the basis of the project of remediation of polluted areas after the former "ZACHEM" Chemical Plant. At the end of the panel, as part of checking good practices, there was a presentation on the practical aspects of remediation based on the project of reclamation of areas after the former impregnation plant of railway sleepers in Solec Kujawski. In the finale of the conference, a lively discussion took place, which lasted over an hour longer than the conference programme.

The event was dedicated primarily to representatives of environmental protection authorities dealing with the issue of pollution of the earth's surface, and to universities. Due to the sanitary regime, the number of places was limited. All materials from the conference will be published on the website of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Bydgoszcz.

European Fundsthe Republic of PolandCohesion Fund
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