
Baseline environmental reaserching of soil, ground and groundwater has started!

On July 16, 2019, the first stage of works in the remediation area (26.9 ha), located on the premises of the State Forests National Forest Holding, began, consisting in the collection of soil and soil samples.

The collected material will be submitted for testing in an accredited laboratory for the content of substances characteristic of the production profile of Zakłady Chemiczne "ZACHEM" S.A. In total, as part of the first stage of the task, 90 to 140 soil and earth samples will be collected from at least 10 research points. The current works will last about 4 weeks. The report on laboratory tests, in accordance with the concluded contract, will be submitted by September 15, 2019.

In the next stage, after drilling wells and piezometers, which are planned to be completed by the end of this year, underground water samples will be collected and analyzed.

These studies are intended to identify the condition of the soil and water environment in the remediation area and enable, among others, selection of appropriate operating parameters of an innovative remediation installation. The results of the tests will also constitute reference values ​​and will allow for the assessment of the effects of the operation of this installation.

European Fundsthe Republic of PolandCohesion Fund
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